The Mental Health Mixtape Podcast

Powered By BOS

A podcast dedicated to fostering open conversations, sharing stories, and exploring a diverse range of topics related to mental health. Join us on this journey as we curate a thought-provoking mixtape of insights, experiences, and expert advice that will help you navigate the intricate landscapes of the mind. 

One Track At A Time

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Every episode of " The Mental Health Mixtape " is like a carefully crafted tracklist, offering a blend of perspectives and tools designed to support, educate, and empower listeners on their mental health journeys. Whether you are looking for practical tips, relatable stories, or simply a space to reflect and learn, this podcast is here to remind you that you are not alone.

Meet the Hosts

Our mission is to create a safe and inclusive space where the complexities of mental health are explored with empathy, authenticity, and an unwavering commitment to fostering understanding. We believe that by sharing our experiences and insights, we can chip away at the stigma surrounding mental health and pave the way for a more compassionate and informed society. 

mental health mixtape, mental health podcast, top podcast, best podcast in mental health, psychologists, for psp, first responders, trauma podcast, depression, anxiety, PTSD, BOS podcast, Before operational stress podcast, BOS training , Wayfound

Dr. Megan McElheran
BOS Founder & CEO

mental health mixtape, mental health podcast, top podcast, best podcast in mental health, psychologists, for psp, first responders, trauma podcast, depression, anxiety, PTSD, BOS podcast, Before operational stress podcast, BOS training , Wayfound

Ryan Collyer
BOS Lead & Clinical Liaison

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